*updated 9/15/01*
Alice in Chains: Brush Away was taken offline
in the summer of 2001. It will be revised and improved while not online, but
will not return until Alice in Chains decides to resume
further recording/touring activities.
Many are marking 2002 for an AIC "comeback". Although the band officially hasn't broken up,
they have not released a studio album in six years, and have not played live in five years.
Meanwhile, guitarist Jerry Cantrell is about to release
his second solo album, a double album. (Click on Jerry's name to go to Jerry Depot, the large and all-but-official
website for info and news on all his latest doings.
Also, Drummer Sean Kinney and Bassist Mike Inez have joined with guitarist Chris DeGarmo
and vocalist Vin Dombroski to form the band Spys4Darwin
They have released an EP and will release a full album soon. Click on the band name
to visit their official website.
There is no word on Layne Staley musically, but word is he's doing fine and is
heavily involved with arwork.